Photo of Ines Miño Argentina

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Photo of Ines Miño Argentina

Inés Miño
Buenos Aires / Argentina

Agnes has lived all her life with art.
Your city of Buenos Aires, rich in artistic expressions of all kinds, was the
breeding ground in which their concerns began to form.
They lived together and with art. Admired it, met him, he studied ...
It was an excited spectator, who dreamed shyly that perhaps one day become an artist.

In 2007, on a trip to Europe knows the great classics of paint and artistic movement (from impressionism to abstraction) in the Louvre and the great museums, galleries and ateliers of Paris.
Then in New York devoted whole days to learn the Met, the MOMA the Gughenhein ...
In these days of immersion also visit art galleries and avant-garde painters and workshops for artists.

In 2008, a second trip to Europe, he settled in Barcelona where the intense blue Mediterranean and direct contact with the work of Gaudí definitely give green light to their intellectual liberalization.

In Barcelona it all begins ...
There he uncovers the expression and temperament since childhood had been hidden inside.
Gaudi, Picasso, Miro, Tapies ... and the magical light that only happens in that corner of the Mediterranean are installed permanently in the soul of Agnes and open wide the doors of his imagination.

Already in 2009, temporarily residing in Barcelona, Agnes attended a workshop on painting with Pol Resand
There his hand loose and free his imagination.
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In the popular district of Gracia Ines stain his first roles, first with coal, then invade the paper cakes.

The road is started, overcome fear, the mind free ...
Sensitivity, balance, composition, aesthetics ... now flow freely from inside.

Barcelona, January 2009
A New Inés Inés comes of it.
The first step has already

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